Earl Fuller, CEO

Fuller is an electrical engineer who has lent his expertise to technology startups in developing their business plans and strategic partnerships with national laboratories, universities and industrial partners for integrated electronics, optics and photonics development. His focus for SK Infrared is on the research and development of high-performance photonic detection devices for commercial and military applications.
Fuller brings broad experience in materials science, nanotechnology, product development, engineering management, international business and business strategy to partnership collaboration and project coordination for the strategic oversight of SK Infrared.
Sanjay Krishna, PhD, CTO, Founder

Prior to this, he was the Microelectronics Endowed Chair and Regents Professor at the University of New Mexico where he was also the Director of the Center for High Technology Materials. Professor Krishna received his Masters in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras in 1996. He received his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1999 and PhD in Applied Physics in 2001 from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
His present research interests include growth, fabrication and characterization of self-assembled quantum dots and type_II InAs/InGaSb based strain layer superlattices for mid infrared detectors, and a research focus on antimony-based compound semiconductors.
Professor Krishna is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA and SPIE, and recipient of the 2007 NCMR-DIA Chief Scientist Award for Excellence. He has received many other peer-reviewed awards, including the the Gold Medal from IIT, Madras in 1996. He received the best student paper award at the 16th NAMBE Conference in Banff in 1999, the 2002 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award from Oak Ridge Associated Universities, the 2003 IEEE Outstanding Engineering Award, 2007 North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Young Investigator Award, and the 2008 Early Career Achievement Award from SPIE and IEEE-Nanotechnology Council.
In his tenure at the University of New Mexico, Professor Krishna received the 2004 Outstanding Researcher Award from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, the 2005 School of Engineering Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, the 2009 Sr. Research Excellence Award from the School of Engineering, a 2009 UNM Regents Lectureship and the 2010 UNM Teacher of the Year Award.
Professor Krishna has authored/co-authored more than 80 peer-reviewed journal articles, over 50 conference presentations, four book chapters and has ten issued patents.
Publications on Google Scholar
Teressa Basko, PhD, General Manager

Teressa earned her PhD in Electrical Engineering in 2020 from The Ohio State University, concentrating in nanotechnology and electronic materials. She also has BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of New Mexico.
Prior to working at SK Infrared, Teressa was employed at SEAKR Engineering and Ball Aerospace where she worked to develop and improve satellite systems and large format focal plane arrays for the next generation of infrared detector sensors and systems for both government and commercial customers.
Mike Garter, PhD, Director of Product Technology

Mike joined SK Infrared in September 2022 and is excited about returning to his innovative and agile roots. Prior to joining SK Infrared, he enjoyed a 21-year career at Cincinnati Electronics, BAE Systems, CMC Electronics Cincinnati, L3 Technologies and L3Harris in Mason, Ohio. Mike has contributed several photodetector array and FPA fabrication techniques that helped his product teams sell advanced infrared detection systems. Mike developed a unique product management skillset by carefully modifying existing products in order to meet future customer needs at minimal cost.
Mike attended the University of Cincinnati from 1991- 2001 and earned the degree of PhD in Electrical Engineering. His work there focused on opto-MEMS and rare-earth doped GaN electroluminescent devices. The rare-earth doped GaN work led to a patent which was later licensed by a university start-up company.
Adam Kable, Sr Engineer – Electronics and Semiconductors

Adam has more than 15 years experience in bringing products to market from the design phase through the development cycle and to deployment. He brings experience in system integration, testing as well as software and firmware development.
Eikhyun Cho, PhD, Semiconductor Fabrication and Product Engineer

He earned his BS, MS and Ph.D degree in mechanical engineering from Yonsei University in 2007, 2009 and 2016, respectively. His research has been focused on the formation of multi optical probes to be used for large areal nanolithography, confocal microscopy and protein microarrays.
Prior to joining SK Infrared, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at NIST, Gaithersburg. At NIST, he participated in the development of a nanophotonic integrated waveguide cavity to be used for a highly sensitive photonic sensors.
He has a broad background in the design, fabrication and characterization of MEMS/NEMS devices.
Nathan McKee, Research Engineer

Nathan earned his BS and MS in Physics from The Ohio State University in 2017 and Penn State University in 2022, respectively. His research was focused on experimentally identifying states of unconventional superconductors, giving him a background in nanofabrication and low-temperature testing.
Teddy Decker, CPA, Finance & Operations Manager

Patti Zoller, Office Manager